Press release -
Notice from the Election Committee
The Board members for re-election at the Annual General Meeting on May 11, 2011 are Ola Krohn-Fagervoll, Marianne W. Jenssen and Liv Berstad. Shareholders who have recommendations for other candidates are kindly asked to inform the Election Committee by Monday April 4, 2011. The name(s) and qualifications of the candidate(s) may be sent to along with a brief justification.
Norwegian Air Shuttle ASA, commercially branded “Norwegian,” is a public low-cost airline noted on the Oslo Stock Exchange. The company is the second largest airline in Scandinavia, and has a route portfolio that stretches across Europe into North Africa and the Middle East. With competitive prices and customer friendly solutions and service, the company has experienced significant growth over the previous years. With more than 13 million passengers in 2010, Norwegian is the 3rd largest low-cost airline in Europe. Norwegian currently operates 54 aircraft on 244 routes to 95 destinations and employs approximately 2 000 people.